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Chapter 4. Troubleshooting SSH connections

  1. Verify that the server is configured for network interface. The following defaults from /etc/ssh/sshd_config will allow connections from any address on port 22:
    			#Port 22
    			#AddressFamily any
    			#ListenAddress ::
  2. As root, check to make sure the service is running, start it if not, and enable it to run automatically at startup if desired:
    # systemctl status sshd.service
    # systemctl start sshd.service
    # systemctl enable sshd.service
  3. Attempt to connect with ssh the server is reachable locally, you will need to check that your firewall is allowing traffic to the server.firewall-cmd --get-services | grep ssh should list ssh in its output.
  4. Watch the ssh daemon's logs with journalctl -u sshd.service -f and action any errors that come up.
  5. If you are using public key authentication, Check to make sure that you have the correct permissions applied to your .ssh and authorized_keys file, and correct them if needed. These commands should be run by the user that is experiencing problems.
    $ getfacl {~/.ssh/authorized_keys,~/.ssh}
    $ chmod 700 ~/.ssh; chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  6. If the server will not start up correctly, sshd can be run as a process with sshd -D. sshd will output all server messages directly to the terminal.
  7. The ssh client can be run with the "-v" flag to get verbose output from the command. This can help if you are having difficulty using public keys.